Thursday, November 02, 2006

Christians and Biology

Welcome to Every Thought Captive. I’m Phil Steiger, Pastor at Quail Lake Community Church.

Is Christianity incompatible with modern biology? The columnist John Derbyshire thinks so. In a recent column detailing why he lost his Christian faith, he notes, “Creationists are absolutely correct to hate and fear modern biology. Learning this stuff works against your faith.” In an ironic twist, Derbyshire cites an organization full of Christian biologists and scientists who would disagree.

These Christian biologists work with a basic assumption that has guided the Church for two centuries: all truth is God’s truth. This is the idea that wherever we find truth, we can be sure that it is compatible with the Christian faith. Christians who are biologists can then be assured that the truths in modern biology are a result of God’s creative power. It is sad that Derbyshire has lost his faith, but maybe a little more work on his part might have solved this problem.

This has been Every Thought Captive, a Christian worldview minute sponsored by Quail Lake Community Church. For more information, please visit,

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