Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jer 23-Love Without Truth is License

Welcome to Every Thought Captive, I’m Phil Steiger.

It would be easy to teach that God is not bothered by our sinfulness.  It would make us all feel better about our lives, and it would help us avoid those nagging feelings of conviction.  Jeremiah is often called the weeping prophet in large part because his message was one of repentance to a rebellious nation who refused to repent.

In chapter 23, Jeremiah complains about the false prophets.  In verse 17 he says, “They preach their "Everything Will Turn Out Fine' sermon to congregations with no taste for God, Their ‘Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen to You' sermon to people who are set in their own ways.”  The false teachers had violated one of the clearest Scriptural injunctions when it comes to presenting doctrine-speak the truth in love.  They were attempting to be loving-or at least feel-good-without being truthful.  But the result was not love.  Love without truth is license, and only moves us further away from a relationship with God.

This has been Every Thought Captive.  I’m Phil Steiger pastor at Quail Lake Community Church and Director of Dayspring Center for Christian Studies.  For more information please visit

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