Thursday, March 23, 2006

Resurrection-Conspiracy Theory

Welcome to Every Thought Captive, I’m Phil Steiger.

Approaching Easter, it is good to remind ourselves that the resurrection is not just a great story for our faith, it is an event that really took place.  One of the interesting ways in which we can tell the tomb was empty has to do with what the enemies of Christ did once the story of His resurrection got out.

In Matthew 28:13, the chief priests told the soldiers who were guarding the tomb to tell a lie-to say that the disciples had come and stolen the body.  This is powerful evidence not only because we see Jesus’ enemies beginning a conspiracy theory to cover their tracks, but because they acknowledge that the tomb was empty.  Think about it-if those opposed to Christianity heard of an empty tomb, and they knew exactly where the tomb was, wouldn’t they simply produce an occupied tomb?  Wouldn’t they just exhume the body and put an end to it all?

They couldn’t do that simply because Jesus had risen from the dead.

This has been Every Thought Captive.  I’m Phil Steiger pastor at Quail Lake Community Church and Director of Dayspring Center for Christian Studies.  For more information please visit

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