Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Friend Assisted Suicide2

Welcome to Every Thought Captive. I’m Phil Steiger.

Anne Lamott, a columnist for the LA Times, opened a recent piece like this, “The man I killed did not want to die, but he no longer felt he had much of a choice.” That phrase, “The man I killed” should be shocking for the reader. The article is a recounting of her actions helping a friend commit suicide. What is more, later on in the piece Lamott tells us the man she killed was surprised to find out she considered herself a Christian and simultaneously whole-heartedly supported this plan of hers to help him die.

Her friend was right to be shocked by that revelation. Lamott’s view is that our lives are our own to dispose of when we see fit. The view of Scripture is that the believer’s life belongs to God and is surrendered to His perfect will. Suicide is no small matter, but neither is God’s love and sovereignty.

This has been Every Thought Captive. I’m Phil Steiger pastor at Quail Lake Community Church and Director for Dayspring Center for Christian Studies. For more information, please visit

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