Wednesday, February 08, 2006

ID 1-Analogy of Design

Welcome to Every Thought Captive, I’m Phil Steiger.

One of the more contentious items in the news recently has been the subject of Intelligent Design. For the uninitiated, Intelligent Design is basically the theory that the universe displays evidence of design-the kind of design that could only be brought about by some sort of intelligence.

While there is a lot of science behind Intelligent Design, there is a basic philosophical point behind it as well. In the normal course of life, when we encounter something that looks like it was made on purpose for a purpose, like a watch or a car, we rightly assume someone made it. And so the argument goes for the existence of God. If the universe looks like it was made on purpose for a purpose, we are justified in thinking it was created by an intelligence, and not by random chance.

This has been Every Thought Captive. I’m Phil Steiger, pastor at Quail Lake Community Church, and Director of Dayspring Center for Christian Studies. For more information, please visit

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