Thursday, April 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code-Dead Sea Scrolls

Welcome to Every Thought Captive, I’m Phil Steiger.

With the popularity of The Da Vinci Code book and the coming movie, it is not too shocking how seriously many people take the historical claims Dan Brown makes regarding the early church, the Bible and the life of Christ.

I know it is a piece of fiction, but the problem is that many Christians have been thrown off their guard by his claims about the origin of the Bible among other things.  What we need to keep in mind as the movie hits the streets is that Dan Brown’s allegations regarding Christianity are some of the most easily exposed frauds in recent history.

To begin with, Brown claims that the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in the 1940s, revealed hidden secrets about the life of Christ that were suppressed by the early church.  The only problem with that one is that the Dead Sea Scrolls say absolutely nothing about the life of Christ.

This has been Every Thought Captive.  I’m Phil Steiger, pastor at Quail Lake Community Church and Director of Dayspring Center for Christian Studies.  For more information please visit

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