Thursday, April 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code-Jesus Is God

Welcome to Every Thought Captive, I’m Phil Steiger.

One of the historical revisions pivotal to the plot of Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code is what happened at an early church council in Nicea. In 325 AD the Roman emperor Constantine called together the church leaders of the day to settle a set of serious questions, including whether Jesus was God. The reason the church leaders gathered was because false teachers were spreading the idea that Jesus was not God.

According to Brown’s book, however, the reason Constantine called the council was to manufacture the idea that Jesus was God. Unfortunately, none of the attendees of the council at Nicea agreed. Even the dissenters of the vote that declared Jesus to be very God of very God, agreed that Jesus and the disciples all taught that very thing.

So why is Dan Brown’s version so convincing when it is so clearly incorrect? Good question. But I do know that the New Testament record can and should be trusted-Jesus is God.

This has been Every Thought Captive. I’m Phil Steiger, pastor at Quail Lake Community Church and Director of Dayspring Center for Christian Studies. For more information please visit

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